Letters & Notifications
Letters & Notifications
P1 Parents' Briefing
SLS and MIMS Account Management
Parents Engagement on School Based Assessment
P1 Student Well-Being
Beginning of Year Parents' Webinar
Journey Through The Seasons of Life With Love
P2 - P6 Parents' Briefing by Principal
Briefing for Lower Primary
Briefing for Middle Primary
Briefing on Upper Primary
Briefing on Arrival and Dismissal
Parent Child Teacher Conference (PCTC)
CCA Briefing Slides
Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) Briefing
P6 Parents' PSLE Briefing
P6 Parents' PSLE Briefing (2024)
Group Personal Accident (GPA) for Students
Growth Mindset Matters
Embracing the Growth Mindset
CHIJ (Katong) Primary Growth Mindset Parents Bulletin
Smart Goal Setting Worksheet
WOOP (Planning for Obstacles) Worksheet